Anxiety | Depression | Trauma | Relationships | Body Image | Substance Use | Neurodivergence
Identity Exploration | Self Esteem | Holistic Wellbeing | Psychedelic Integration | Personal Growth
When you feel depressed, often your entire view of the world shifts. It’s likely you experience feeling empty, uninspired and numb, a ‘feeling’ that not even the sunniest of days, your favourite people or activities can impact. The causes of depression are as varied as the people who experience it. While depression can be brought on by trauma, loss and various other life challenges and circumstances, often there is no obvious reason for feeling this way. Many individuals experience depression following periods of anxiety or overwhelm, or in tandem with feeling high-jacked by sadness or other difficult emotions.
Depression, whether short or long term can begin to affect your life in the following ways:
Difficulty motivating self
Physically weak and exhausted
Feeling constantly numb, shut down and unengaged
Missing work or other important events or responsibilities
Relational issues such as feeling disconnected, social isolation, often connected to anxiety, or the fear of burdening others
Experiencing shame, embarrassment or frustration that you can’t ‘get over it’
Believing you are worthless, or not good enough
Self-harm or thoughts of suicide